Sunday, December 14, 2014

2014 in Review

It has been a pretty healthy and happy year: I’ve been continuing my workouts, have done a wee bit of subbing, a ton of reading (currently halfway through Outlander series), and a fair amount of crafting – my favorites were the magnetic cookie-sheet calendar #1
 and my decoupaged door #2.
   I won a blue ribbon at the county fair for my fairy garden #3. (I won’t mention the paucity of competition!) Maybe this will be the year I figure out Etsy!
 My biggest trip was attending my nephew Brice’s wedding in April in Toledo. #4,5.
Parents of the bride, Lisa, Brice, bride's son Michael, bridesmaids, flower girl is my great-niece Cara.

My nephews and niece; Billy,Devin,Brice, brother Bill, Stephanie, Joel, Grant

On the way I also hung out with my cousins Denise and Trish & Mike in southern Ohio.

 Smaller expeditions included a trip to Glass Beach in Ft. Bragg with my friend Morag #7,

monthly museum visits with retired teacher friends Susan & Susan #8, helping my BFF Marylin with her English Fudge sales, and running away to beaches every chance I get.
 Visitors included Donna & Steve (feeling better after kidney surgery) from Arkansas. #9.
While they were here in June we went to see our old faves: Pacifica, the Redwoods, and new places: a cruise on the Chardonnay, Angel Island and a Giants game #10.

In September Jeffrey’s friend Jennifer #11 came from Maryland – they went to beaches, San Francisco, the Monterey Bay Aquarium, and he cooked her pancakes almost every morning!

My largest purchase was solar panels! #12. (My electric bills now average $5.00 a month!) I love to watch that meter show negative numbers. I also had popcorn ceilings removed and walls repainted in half the house – chaotic but worth it.

Lifestyle changes: Jeffrey moved back in with me in July when diminishing roommates and continued unemployment made rent unaffordable in Redwood City. I really enjoy having him around. #13,14.

Just before Thanksgiving, Matt returned to the nest, too, after ending a three-year relationship with Noelle and her children. #15. 
At Monterey Bay Aquarium, photo bomber is Noelle's son Nathan
Sad but necessary. The house is beginning to look like an episode of Hoarding.

Felines Majesty and Inky are happily dashing from bed to bed and lap to lap, but Twinkletoes is still being a scaredy-cat.

I hope you are well and I wish I could see you as often as I think of you! Happy Holidays and a Great New Year!

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