Friday, March 30, 2012

No More Store

My retail adventure is over, for now. I went down to the Raggedy Heart in Morgan Hill to remove my remaining crafts (i.e. most of everything I left there!) because I didn't make enough money to justify re-signing for another month or two. I love the shop, and Terri, the proprietor, is so nice...I guess I sold about 13 items, total in two months. My tax lady says if this crafting thing progresses from a hobby to a business, I need to start keeping records of expenses and income. I really don't want to do that! I'm participating in the Willow Glen Senior Center Spring Boutique next Wednesday -- I think I'll mark everything down drastically in the last hour for clearance. The real fun of it all is the creation, not the accumulation of things completed. But it is great when people do like my things!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Support Group

I met with the Wobbly Spokes Alzheimers/Dementia Caregivers Support Group yesterday. I've been with them for 5 years now, and many, like me, have lost our "care-receivers", but we still keep coming. It's a place where you can share the most intimate, heart-breaking things, but the reason I keep going is because we always, always laugh! And sometimes, serendipitously, the potlucks are mostly desserts. Sorry, Jenny Craig, there was nothing I could do!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

SF Flower and Garden Show

I went to the Flower and Garden Show with friend Marylin, hoping for inspiration. No shortage of that! It began with a seminar/demonstration by Martin Yan, followed by free samples that counted for lunch. That guy is an entertainer! One of these days I may take up cooking again, as opposed to frozen food in the microwave. He does make it look both fun and easy, although the sharpness of a knife like his does make me fear for my fingers.

The show gardens were fascinating, although not so spectacular as in years past. I liked the ones that showed using recycled stuff to make garden displays. I'm waiting for a landscape design called Gardening with Weeds since that's what grows best in my backyard. This year I did manage to resist buying a lot of bulbs, etc. that I know I won't get around to planting. I did buy Snail Jails, pot hangers, and some teeny-weeny succulents for my dollhouse garden. And a sundress -- first preparation for next trip to Hawaii.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Green Day

It feels green to me today. The backyard (also know as the Cat Jungle) is blooming with all manner of weeds and it looks like I may get more than one wisteria blossom this year, as the Drive-by Gardener's hack job wears off. I still have oranges on my tree, but next year's crop will be small.
I only killed about half of my flat of pansies -- the rest flourish in pots and the front bed.

The black raspberries are crawling all over the side yard -- I have to stake them or somehow preserve access as they protect themselves viciously. The dove family that has occupied the eaves for six or seven years is still there, un-discouraged by the chihuahua next door's complaints. The Cat-Proof Fence is mostly down, having never been a match to the compactibility of my cats. Perhaps I can adapt all the supports for it into hanging basket holders.

The front yard, or Gopher Preserve, is hazardous to walk across, but at least it's green. This post calls for photos, but I have to run. I'll try again later.

Thursday, March 22, 2012


I decided I need more structure (so I can remember what day it is in the absence of a regular teaching schedule) and to measure the passage of time and thoughts (otherwise I sometimes feel like I'm slowly circling the drain). So, inspired by my former colleague Great Scott, I'm going to attempt a blog. It would be nice if somebody read it, but more important is the process of writing it. We'll see how it goes.