Life Lessons from a Near Miss
1. DDSS (Don't Do Stupid Stuff) Like try to take a corner too fast.
2. Life is Fragile. Precious. Amazing. Cars are just cars.
3. Seatbelts and airbags save lives. Mine. Period. But I think I'll buy one of those little As Seen On TV hammers you can use to break your windows and cut your seat belt because power door locks and windows were jammed! (My airbag had actually been recalled, but I hadn't gotten around to having it replaced. Luckily it wasn't one of the defective ones that shoots shrapnel).
4. People are nice. Three people stopped at the scene. One lady managed to wrench my door open, called 911 when I was too shaky to dial, took photos for me, & got my keys and glasses out of the car. A couple let me sit in their car until the EMTs came.
5. Emergency personnel rock! One EMT was a trainee and it was interesting to listen to his supervisor ensure he got the wording precise on his recorded report. The ER Doc was a Vietnamese boat person who could have been one of my ESL students years ago! (He actually went to a different Adult Ed program).

7. There's nothing like Facebook when you're sitting around an ER waiting to the unhooked and discharged! Thanks to all my friends for their attention and comments and help.
8. Crap in your car is very difficult to remove from a wreck in a tow yard. Just sayin'. I resolve to keep my cars cleaner from now on!
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