What it's like living with guys again
My 28- and 30-year old fledgelings are back in the old nest. I thought I'd feel crowded, overwhelmed, outnumbered and whatever the opposite of lonesome is. I thought I'd be thrown back into caregiver/mother role and wouldn't be able to feel retired and free to flit about. (Not that I was doing that much flitting; I just wanted to fell like I could and not have to answer to anybody.) None of that has happened. It's a good thing!
Of course there are changes -- the front bathroom is now the Men's Room. The refrigerator and cupboards are crammed with things I didn't buy: Muscle Milk (?) industrial size boxes of cereal, beer, even Meals Ready To Eat (courtesy of the National Guard). The food and drink I do buy disappears overnight, leftovers either don't happen or are devoured as midnight snacks. I shop 3 or 4 times a week and the Costco sizes of condiments no longer last me years. I enjoy cooking again (although my Jenny Craig diet-size portions are no more) and if I don't feel like it there's somebody else who can do it! Nobody will starve without me. I can flit. When I do cook, someone else does the dishes! without being asked!
I have live-in tech support. Electronic devices still behave badly for me, but I have threats I can use to get them in shape! I no longer need ladders and stepstools. I don't always have to hang around when a repairman gives me an 8-hour "window". I hear about different news stories than the ones I am usually tuned in to. I have more people to recommend books and movies to. The cats have more lap and nap choices. (They may be exploiting this by falsely claiming not to have been fed.)
There are still things I'm getting used to: the sound of deep voices again (my male cat has a very high un-macho meow), and odd thumps and bumps too hefty to be made by cats. They sleep much later than I do in the morning and go to bed much later at night -- I'm learning I don't really have to tiptoe around, though. They actually have more experience living with roommates than I do, so they are quiet-ish and neat-ish and considerate about letting me know when they'll be out late, or when they finish off some vital staple.
They still seek my advice, but they're definitely not kids anymore and I don't constantly worry about them in the same mommy way. And they haven't started treating me as senile yet! This arrangement won't be forever -- Matt is talking about buying a condo, and Jeff is considering a move to Southern California-- but basically, it's fun and comfortable. And I do have two female cats to even the balance!
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