Sunday, April 1, 2012

Scammed in SF

Scammed in SF: After a delightful celebration of son Matt's 28th birthday at Fisherman's Wharf, I got ripped off  at the Powell St. BART Station when I tried to use my new Senior Clipper Card in the fare machine. A guy (I didn't actually see him, but witnesses report him to be toothless!) behind me was "helping" me figure out the machine, and he told me I was "done", but when I tried to go through the turnstile, it wouldn't take my card and said "See the Attendant." When I did that I was told I should have tapped my card again (actually, I did that) and that if I wanted to file a police report, I could, meanwhile, I should just put more money on the card. I tried again, I still couldn't get more value put on the card, and this time was out $20.00! I went back to the attendant, really frustrated, but more in angry than pitiful little old lady mode, and he said I shouldn't get angry with him and he wouldn't talk to me anymore! No sympathy whatsoever. Whatever happened to "The Customer Is Always Right."?  

Some nice girls found my $20 (which the machine had returned to me, taking its sweet time), and with the help of my friend and her credit card I got enough value on the card to get me back to Fremont. We figured out what happened was that the guy who advised me first time around must have told me I was done and should tap my card again before I hit the Confirmation key, and after I left the machine, he hit confirm and then quick tapped his own card in to suck up my $5 value. I felt: angry, yes, that there are people who would rip other people off like that, and stupid that I should be a victim, and angry again that a supposed customer helper should be so impatient. But I'll chalk it up to experience and count it as a charity donation to help out homeless mentally ill con-men.

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