Wednesday, January 1, 2020

A new decade a new leaf?

Can't believe I haven't published anything here for a couple of years. Maybe I've been busy doing other stuff? You wouldn't know it from looking around here. Unless you count clutter as "accomplishment". Anyway, 2020 seems like a good time to start again and try to write a wee bit every day. Tech skill seems to fade faster than cheap pencil marks if not practiced with great regularity and this blog is pretty much a mystery to me now. At least it hasn't vanished into the Fog or the Cloud or whatever, like my photo organizing software did. 

2020 also seems like a good year for a Vision! My vision has been rather short-sighted lately: Getting Through the Next Thing: My Trips, Jeffrey's Move In, the Holidays, and next The Wedding. Trying not to let anxiety overwhelm me. I didn't realize how comfortable my comfort zone has been until it was disrupted. Maybe my vision should been to enlarge my comfort zone. Not sure how. Maybe my new Seniors CBT group will help, when it gets around to meeting again. 

Maybe with fewer places to store things I'll finally be able to find what I'm looking for, be it paper, keys or baking powder. (Discovered yesterday that my baking powder was more than 20 years past its expiration date...) Maybe I'll be able to answer the question "Why, exactly, am I saving this item, and when is the 'someday' I might need it?" Jeffrey's minimalism (or whatever you call the opposite of hoarding) may help me see things differently. Texting with Denise about her old photos and mementos is great. Her tech-savvy may help me figure out how to preserve without piling up! I wish there was someone from the younger generation who cared about this stuff! but this reminds me that I am the one who cares, so I am the one I have to please. Observing Matt and Cara beginning their new life together also should give me a new way of seeing the future (a future I won't be around for, most likely) if I don't get too bogged down in the past.

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