Saturday, October 12, 2013

Why do they always change things?

I just get used to doing something on the computer and then they go and "improve" it to the point where I feel I'm starting all over. This may be an advantage to some people, I'm sure, but not me. Isn't there an app or something called same-old-same-old, where you don't have to re-familiarize yourself with the formatting, the design, the functions, the settings every few months (or even weeks, it seems). Is it just me?Am I really an old dog? Facebook -- this means you! Blogger, you too!


  1. I feel the same way about facebook! Lots of web applications change too often such as Yahoo mail. It just changed from message style to 'thread' style, like what gmail has. Ugh!

  2. It's not just you! I think a lot of people recognize that the IT industry took "planned obsolescence" to new heights (or lows, really). Beyond getting us to buy the next "improved" gadget, I figure the geniuses need to prove that they're earning their keep by constantly rearranging things. Kind of like a bored gardener moving your bushes around to stay on the clock.

    So, if you manage to design that same-old-same-old app, you should market it!! Just remember you'll have to "update" it every few months if you want to make any money... : - ))
