Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Coyote Hills

"the" monarch
 I spent a lovely Sunday noontime up at Coyote Hills Regional Park. I hadn't been up there, I think, since Jeffrey's fourth grade field trip! It was the day after the first big rain of the season.
Noelle, Matt, Channah, Nathan and I went to the Visitor Center (a spot of great significance in Noelle's family history), the Butterfly Garden (where Nathan reunited with a butterfly he swore was the caterpillar he'd seen on his last visit) and we also watched swarming winged ants lose their wings and run around in little tandem pairs.
a monarch caterpillar

I've forgotten the name of this plant already -- it's a relative of milkweed, the monarchs' favorite.

Then we participated in the Stone Age Olympics: fire starting by twirling a stick (no success) flint-knapping (just watched) spearing targets and mammoth using an atlatl, flinging a bola, and playing throw the spear through the hoop -- all skills that early Native tribes needed to survive. 
The only one of us who wouldn't have starved to death was Noelle -- her 1/8? native blood and years of experience helped her! 
Matt retrieves spears from mammoth hunt

Channah lets loose the spear!
Noelle poses next to her spear through the mammoth's heart (Matt hit its hoof)

Meanwhile, back in the twenty-first century, I'm getting ready for my trip to the ancient pueblo ruins in Arizona and New Mexico -- so all this Indian lore is very a propos.

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